Happy Easter!

Just wanted to wish everyone who celebrates a very Happy Easter!  This little bunny has to hop off into RL now for some holiday festivities! xoxo Shiloh and Ammia P.S This is also my “Sheer This” photo for 50 Shades … Continue reading

I Wish You Were Here…

I know I should be screaming from the hilltops that Pose Fair has begun, but I’m pretty sure you guys are already aware 😉  Besides, I’m a little mopey because my man is away this weekend so you’re just going … Continue reading

Can’t Fight the Seether!

I’ve been known to throw a temper tantrum or two, I’m not gonna lie. It’s been a while, but I dug deep and found my inner indignant teenagery self so I could fully embrace the new poses from Hopscotch, available at Zodiac!

Aries Diva 1

I can throw down with the best of ’em, huh? The poses are so much fun and are available exclusively at Zodiac, the Aries round!

Aries Diva 2

Also available at Zodiac this round you can find the beautiful Venice White Diamond choker and earrings from Maxi Gossamer. The awesomely dramatic eye makeup I’m wearing is from White Widow and can be found at Zodiac too!

Happy Shopping and take care of each other.

Shiloh ❤

What I’m Wearing

Skin: Glam Affair | Zara (Artic Clean) | Skin Fair

Hair: Vanity Hair | Visionaire

Eye Makeup: White Widow | Cornes

Lips: Izzie’s | Lipstick Black

Bra: Izzie’s | Jolie Bra

Jacket: JH Couture | Sharon Slim Jacket

Pants: Peqe | Leggings | Zodiac

Sunglasses: Maxi Gossamer | Positano

Shoes: Gos Boutique | Sophia Peeptoe

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer | Venice White Diamond Choker and Earrings

Hands: SLink | Mesh Hands

Poses: Hopscotch | Short Tempered | Zodiac


We’re Just Birds Without Wings: The Boutique

Tomorrow is probably one of the best shopping days of the SL year so far! No, it’s not Black Friday.  Tomorrow The Boutique, a brand new shopping event featuring the most amazing Second Life fashion designers on the grid! As if that weren’t enough *fans myself profusely* Skin Fair opens tomorrow as well. Is that enough excitement for you??

The Boutique’s theme this month is Cherry Blossom, can you say prettiful!? Here are a few of my favorite things!

We're Just Birds Without Wings: The Boutique Collage

Pretty in pink, yes? I love everything about this dress from Peqe and they’re offering it in several different colors, but pink is my fave!

We're Just Birds Without Wings: The Boutique - Essences Skin
The Essences skin I’m wearing is also being featured at The Boutique, isn’t it stunning? I didn’t photoshop the picture at all so you could get a good idea of just how beautiful this skin is, without any magic!

The Boutique opens on Friday, so stay tuned for your limo and for more Skin Fair goodies tomorrow! For more information on the event itself check out The Liaison Collaborative!

Happy shopping and take care of each other!

Shiloh ❤

What I’m Wearing

Skin: Essences | Semiluna (Light Rose) | The Boutique

Hair: Truth | Cheyenne

Dress: Peqe | TLC Dress | The Boutique

Jewelry: Cae | Sakura | The Boutique

Shoes: G Field | Alex Strap Shoes

Poses: !Bang | Carefree | The Boutique

How Soon is Now? Skin Fair Snow Rabbit Preview

That’s kind of the question I’ve been asking for months. Ever since I saw the WIP (work in progress) video of the Snow Rabbit mesh hybrid avatar. I’m going to try to explain it, but you really have to pop in to Skin Fair this weekend and see to believe!

Skin Fair Snow Rabbit JHC_001

Basically Nea is a beautiful mesh head that has an “animated” face. She smiles, blinks, closes her eyes and all without you having to click buttons to make her do so. Personally, I find the concept extremely amazing and with this first step, I think we are moving ever closer to truly realistic interactive avatars in Second Life. I’m looking forward to see what Snow Rabbit creator Shirousagi Noel does next to improve upon this idea.

Skin Fair Snow Rabbit Expressions

I’ve read and heard some things that I agree could be improved upon this idea: more subtle shading under the chin, better blending into the base skin at the neck, and the ability to change facial shadowing, nose shapes and lips to create a more unique look come to mind. But all in all, I think this is a solid first effort and I am extremely excited for the future of these avatars!

Happy shopping and take care of each other.

Shiloh ❤

What I’m Wearing

Hybrid Avatar: Snow Rabbit | Nea | Skin Fair

Hair: D!va | Flora | Collabor88

Dress: J.H. Couture | Mesh Summer Dress

Jewelry: Maxi Gossamer | Santa Fe collection

Hands: SLink | Mesh Hands (elegant)